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Reynolds Defense Firm (Law Firms) in Salem

Full information about Reynolds Defense Firm in Salem: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Reynolds Defense Firm on the map, description and reviews.

Law Firms in Salem

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Contact details of Reynolds Defense Firm:

222 Commercial St SE, Ste. 1803, Salem, Oregon (OR), 97301


[email protected]


Reynolds Defense Firm opening hours:

Monday - Sunday Open 24 Hours


Reviews about Reynolds Defense Firm:

About Reynolds Defense Firm:

If you or someone you care about is in need of a Salem DUI attorney, the Reynolds Defense Firm is ready to help. For over 20 years, we've done one thing - we represent good people facing DUI and related criminal charges throughout the state of Oregon.

First and foremost, Reynolds Defense Firm provides stellar legal representation. Our team of DUI lawyers has over 100 years of combined experience working with Oregon’s DUI laws – as defense attorneys, judges, and as prosecutors. By bringing these different perspectives together, we create an incredible legal team that allows us to do the absolute best we can for each person we represent.

Next, we genuinely care about our clients. Being arrested can shake a person to their core in a way that most folks don’t fully grasp. In addition to the law, our goal is to help our clients through the human side of being arrested in a way that leaves them better off than when they were arrested in the first place.

The Reynolds Defense Firm is solid, we're here when you need us, and we are very good at what we do.


Law Firms nearest to Reynolds Defense Firm:

Fox & Olson Salem, Law Firms;    388 State St#1100, Salem, OR, 97301-3607;    (503) 399-7882

Hendrie Richard L Jr PC Salem, Law Firms;    388 State St#11, Salem, OR, 97301;    (503) 585-8330

Klosterman Arthur P Attorney Salem, Law Firms;    388 State St#615, Salem, OR, 97301-3702;    (503) 485-2895

Ositis Andrew P Attorney Salem, Law Firms;    388 State St#565, Salem, OR, 97301-3866;    (503) 362-3249